Performance Cockpit


Maps is a root cause detective that finds the right answers.

Maps helps you to eas­i­ly vi­su­al­ize flight and air­side tra­jec­to­ries. With the wide range of fil­ter­ing ca­pa­bil­i­ties and KPIs, de­tours, go-arounds, de­lays, or taxi per­for­mance can be quick­ly iden­ti­fied. The time fil­ter op­tion en­ables users to freely se­lect a time­frame that will be vi­su­al­ized. With dif­fer­ent lay­er­ing op­tions such as air­space in­for­ma­tion on SIDs and STARs, most com­mon flight rout­ings are iden­ti­fied. This in­for­ma­tion is par­tic­u­lar­ly im­por­tant to an­a­lyze the air­space ef­fi­cien­cy and eval­u­ate op­tions to adapt cur­rent pro­ce­dures. With heatmaps air­side bot­tle­necks can be de­tect­ed eas­i­ly. Maps is al­so ca­pa­ble of show­ing land­ing and take-off points in cor­re­la­tion with wind in­for­ma­tion to see safe­ty per­for­mance. It is an ex­treme­ly use­ful tool, for look­ing at out­liers such as long taxi times and un­usu­al be­hav­ior in the operations. 


Mea­sur­ing air­space ef­fi­cien­cy
Eval­u­ate qual­i­ty of arrival/descent pro­file and check CDA/CCO op­er­a­tions when implemented.

Flight vi­su­al­iza­tion
Gen­er­ate pow­er­ful vi­su­al­iza­tions of your dai­ly op­er­a­tions at a spe­cif­ic air­port to iden­ti­fy ap­proach con­ges­tions such as de­tours and hold­ing patterns.

Route Cause Analy­sis
An­a­lyze your taxi process­es at the air­port and iden­ti­fy pos­si­ble safe­ty is­sues such as speed­ing on taxi­ways or high cor­ner­ing speeds.

In­fra­struc­ture bot­tle­neck iden­ti­fi­ca­tion
Iden­ti­fy ground in­fra­struc­ture bot­tle­necks such as run­way cross­ing wait­ing times, hold­ing point times, queu­ing be­fore take-off or de-ic­ing wait­ing times.


  • STAR/SID lay­er
  • Heatmaps
  • Switch be­tween ground and air
  • Con­nect flight tracks with KPIs
  • Ad­vanced fil­ter­ing options 
  • Dif­fer­ent tra­jec­to­ry thick­ness and coloring