Use Case Areas
Reporting Functionality
From mandatory ICAO reports to custom reports providing insights into operations, reporting is always advantageous. Aeroficial Intelligence provides reports on various important operational topics.
ICAO GANP Reporting
Save time and resources and simply receive the ICAO GANP KPIs from Aeroficial Intelligence

The ICAO’s Air Navigation Plan provides a set of Key Performance Indicators to measure and report. Aeroficial Intelligence provides the tools to generate these KPIs as required and defined. Based on Aeroficial Intelligence’s reporting engine, these measurements can be automatically provided and filled in the ICAO reporting templates.
- KPI detection
- Automatic reporting engine
- Dashboards
Automated KPI Reports
Save time and resources and get KPI reports on exactly the data that you need!
You are operating an own business intelligence system and process the data within your data team. Get your own KPI report on more than 100 KPI measurements. Aeroficial Intelligence calculates and provides a wide range of KPIs out of the box and generates customised KPIs based on your needs.
- Save time and resources
- Focus on the use of the data and not on the math
- Quality proven by market experts
Data Provision for Airport Simulation Tools
For airport traffic simulations, the result’s and output’s reliability mainly depend on the quality of the input data. With the huge analytics insights on airside processes, Aeroficial Intelligence helps simulation tools to get reliable KPIs on a historical basis. Imagine that you are simulating the Runway Capacity of the airport with the intension to see constraints and potential solutions to squeeze out the last drop of runway capacity. For such analysis it is extremely important to measure Runway Occupancy Time per flight movement, Exit and Entry procedures, Queues, Separation and all these information in combination with insights on Wake Turbulence Categories, Aircraft Type, Operator, Runway in use and much more.
- Easy access to reliable input data
- Reduced costs
- Better decision making on infrastructure projects and operational procedures
ICAO Safety Performance Indicators
Improve safety by accessing a set of safety performance indicators!
ICAO defines safety performance indicators as a data-based safety parameter used for monitoring and assessing performance and safety. For this matter different Performance Indicators are defined related to the Runway. Aeroficial Intelligence can deliver a range of indicators such as Runway Remaining, Long Landings or Go-Arounds. For more detailed information and a sample report, please get in contact.
Data Services
Aeroficial Intelligence delivers insights based on 100+ KPIs for your internal systems
You wish to get specific KPIs to get better insights on your operations but you must decide whether to build it yourself, which consumes time and is not your core business. Aeroficial Intelligence helps here to build KPIs and delivers them automatically through the required interfaces (APIs). Imagine that you want to know the predicted arrival time at the airport for each arriving flight to better anticipate to upcoming turnarounds. Aeroficial Intelligence builds exactly what you need. Just think how much time it takes to get to some sound results and how much it costs to build up a data science team. It could be saving a lot of costs and time to work with a specialised data company together. Aeroficial Intelligence is providing data in several different formats and interface types to fit every requirement.