Use Case Areas

Reporting Functionality

From mandatory ICAO reports to custom reports providing insights into operations, reporting is always advantageous. Aeroficial Intelligence provides reports on various important operational topics.

ICAO GANP Reporting

Save time and resources and simply receive the ICAO GANP KPIs from Aeroficial Intelligence

The ICAO’s Air Nav­i­ga­tion Plan pro­vides a set of Key Per­for­mance In­di­ca­tors to mea­sure and re­port. Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence pro­vides the tools to gen­er­ate these KPIs as re­quired and de­fined. Based on Aero­fi­cial Intelligence’s re­port­ing en­gine, these mea­sure­ments can be au­to­mat­i­cal­ly pro­vid­ed and filled in the ICAO re­port­ing templates.


  • KPI de­tec­tion
  • Au­to­mat­ic re­port­ing engine
  • Dash­boards

Automated KPI Reports

Save time and resources and get KPI reports on exactly the data that you need!

You are op­er­at­ing an own busi­ness in­tel­li­gence sys­tem and process the da­ta with­in your da­ta team. Get your own KPI re­port on more than 100 KPI mea­sure­ments. Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence cal­cu­lates and pro­vides a wide range of KPIs out of the box and gen­er­ates cus­tomised KPIs based on your needs.


  • Save time and resources
  • Fo­cus on the use of the da­ta and not on the math
  • Qual­i­ty proven by mar­ket experts

Data Provision for Airport Simulation Tools

For air­port traf­fic sim­u­la­tions, the re­sult’s and output’s re­li­a­bil­i­ty main­ly de­pend on the qual­i­ty of the in­put da­ta. With the huge an­a­lyt­ics in­sights on air­side process­es, Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence helps sim­u­la­tion tools to get re­li­able KPIs on a his­tor­i­cal ba­sis. Imag­ine that you are sim­u­lat­ing the Run­way Ca­pac­i­ty of the air­port with the in­ten­sion to see con­straints and po­ten­tial so­lu­tions to squeeze out the last drop of run­way ca­pac­i­ty. For such analy­sis it is ex­treme­ly im­por­tant to mea­sure Run­way Oc­cu­pan­cy Time per flight move­ment, Ex­it and En­try pro­ce­dures, Queues, Sep­a­ra­tion and all these in­for­ma­tion in com­bi­na­tion with in­sights on Wake Tur­bu­lence Cat­e­gories, Air­craft Type, Op­er­a­tor, Run­way in use and much more.


  • Easy ac­cess to re­li­able in­put data
  • Re­duced costs
  • Bet­ter de­ci­sion mak­ing on in­fra­struc­ture projects and op­er­a­tional procedures

ICAO Safety Performance Indicators

Improve safety by accessing a set of safety performance indicators! 

ICAO de­fines safe­ty per­for­mance in­di­ca­tors as a da­ta-based safe­ty pa­ra­me­ter used for mon­i­tor­ing and as­sess­ing per­for­mance and safe­ty. For this mat­ter dif­fer­ent Per­for­mance In­di­ca­tors are de­fined re­lat­ed to the Run­way. Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence can de­liv­er a range of in­di­ca­tors such as Run­way Re­main­ing, Long Land­ings or Go-Arounds. For more de­tailed in­for­ma­tion and a sam­ple re­port, please get in contact.

Data Services

Aeroficial Intelligence delivers insights based on 100+ KPIs for your internal systems

You wish to get spe­cif­ic KPIs to get bet­ter in­sights on your op­er­a­tions but you must de­cide whether to build it your­self, which con­sumes time and is not your core busi­ness. Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence helps here to build KPIs and de­liv­ers them au­to­mat­i­cal­ly through the re­quired in­ter­faces (APIs). Imag­ine that you want to know the pre­dict­ed ar­rival time at the air­port for each ar­riv­ing flight to bet­ter an­tic­i­pate to up­com­ing turn­arounds. Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence builds ex­act­ly what you need. Just think how much time it takes to get to some sound re­sults and how much it costs to build up a da­ta sci­ence team. It could be sav­ing a lot of costs and time to work with a spe­cialised da­ta com­pa­ny to­geth­er. Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence is pro­vid­ing da­ta in sev­er­al dif­fer­ent for­mats and in­ter­face types to fit every requirement.